Children dreams and méditations. Large watercolour drawings Mixed media (watercolour, inks, graphite and colour pencils) on paper.
Anita : parmi les fleurs , among flowers, unter Blumen 50x50cm 180€
Rêve d'aviatrice, Ich werde Pilotin sein, I will be a pilot 72x52cm 320€
Rêve de danseuse , Dancer's dream, Traum der Tänzerin 72x52cm, 250€
Lecture, père & fille rêvent d'aventure, ,Reading, father & daughter dream of adventure, Lesen, Vater & Tochter träumen von Abenteuern, 65x50cm 250€
les 2 mouettes, the 2 seagulls, die 2 Möwen 50x50cm 180€
Les nounours, she loves bears, sie liebt Bären 65x50cm, 250€
Méditation aux bougies , Candlelight meditation, Meditation bei Kerzenlicht 50x50cm 250€
Elle attend son voyageur, She awaits her traveller, Sie wartet auf ihren Reisenden 72x52cm 350€
Méditation au lever du soleil, Meditation at sunrise, Meditation bei Sonnenaufgang, 65x50cm, 250€
The paintings are sold unframed. Postage is not included and must be added. For a purchase contact me. For a quick purchase see my etsy shop, You can order a full length portrait or a portrait in this technique